The US administration wants to block the bills, because of Turkey's role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is an incredibly disturbing undercurrent.
From the Turkish Daily News: Although President George W. Bush's administration, which has strongly condemned Dink's assassination, would like to see Turkey repeal the Turkish Penal Code's (TCK) controversial Article 301 and set up good relations with Armenia, it also shares Ankara's worries over the resolution's reference to the Armenian genocide. Therefore, the administration is seeking to persuade the panel's senators to drop that reference, diplomats said. As a result, Sen Lugar...raised an objection to the resolution's language when the measure came to the Tuesday vote...The measure, if passed by the panel, will move to the Senate floor.
This administration’s reluctance to condemn or work to stop genocide is incredibly upsetting. Their moves on this matter only serve to underscore their lack of action on Darfur, and call into question whether they really want to do anything to stop genocide at all.
Of course, it all seems so very simple: there was a genocide against the Armenians, so the world should say that there was. But, if by passing a resolution on something that happened 90 years ago - no matter how horrendous - the US inadvertently worsens the situation in Iraq or Afghanistan, then principles mean nothing and Congress should do whatever will save the most lives now. I’m not convinced, however, that simply abandoning this resolution will save the most lives. There’s a genocide happening in Darfur, and the government is getting away with it because it has convinced most of the international community that by calling it genocide and responding to it as genocide they would make the situation worse. That’s patently untrue, and one of the ways to show them that is by taking time now to right 90 year old wrongs.
For more of my analysis and other news reports on this issue, check out my blog at www.livesinthebalance.com.
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